Discover the Symptoms of Anemia
Anemia is a condition that results in the low production of hemoglobin in the body
This condition usually occurs as a result of a vitamin deficiency or a lack of iron in the blood. In the case of anemia caused by iron deficiency, it can lead to a serious medical condition.
Symptoms of anemia are most commonly seen in adults and adolescents. When anemia is the result of iron deficiency, it is called iron deficiency anemia. For anemia, which is the result of an overproduction of hemoglobin, this condition is known as anemia due to a characteristic that causes anemia. A condition in which the body experiences both anemia due to iron deficiency and anemia due to overproduction of hemoglobin is called hemochromatosis. Two forms of hemochromatosis are characterized by the presence of abnormal amounts of hemoglobin in the blood and a higher incidence of diseases such as skin cancer and small cell lung cancer.
There are various ways in which anemia symptoms can be diagnosed and treated. Some of these include: checking the platelet count, measuring the amount of red blood cells in the blood, and testing the bone density. Blood tests may also be conducted to confirm the diagnosis of anemia.
Anemia can affect different body systems and organs of the body. There may be a reduction in the production of red blood cells, an increase in the production of white blood cells, an increased risk of infection, and a decrease in the quality and quantity of the blood. A decreased ability of the heart to pump oxygenated blood throughout the body and an increased risk of developing a condition called congestive heart failure may also occur in an anemic person.
Red blood cells are transported through the blood vessels through the bloodstream, where the oxygen content is carried away from the body cells to other parts of the body through the lungs and heart. An anemic person has an impaired ability of the heart to transport oxygenated blood from the lungs to other parts of the body, which results in an inadequate amount of oxygen reaching the body cells and consequently they die.
People who have anemia due to an iron deficiency can develop heart disease, which may eventually cause the death of the person. In addition, those who suffer from anemia due to a lack of iron in the blood can develop an infection, which may spread to the bones and organs and cause permanent damage to the body. People who have anemia due to a deficiency of vitamin B-12 may develop anemia accompanied by a lack of mental alertness, fatigue, poor memory, poor vision problems, lack of concentration, muscle cramps, shortness of breath, fatigue, nausea, and stomach pain.
Anemia can be treated using different kinds of treatments
Some of these treatments include drugs, supplements, or surgery. In the case of anemia caused by excessive anemia, it is important to take vitamin supplements to replace the lost hemoglobin.
Iron supplementation is a common treatment for anemia in adults. Anemia caused by a lack of iron in the blood can be treated using iron supplementation. In the case of anemia caused by an iron deficiency, vitamin B-12 supplements can also be administered. Certain medications used for the treatment of anemia in children and pregnant women may also be helpful in treating anemia in adults.
Anemia symptoms should also be taken into account when people are choosing the best form of treatment for anemia. The severity of anemia can be determined by the person's age, the person's sex, the person's medical history, and the person's lifestyle. Therefore, a person who is older and have a higher risk of developing anemia will have to take more serious steps to prevent the disease.
There are many tests available to determine whether a person has anemia. Blood tests for anemia can be done to test the ability of the heart to pump oxygenated blood. Electrolytes and hemoglobin tests can determine the amount of hemoglobin in the blood and whether anemia exists or not.
Blood tests and medical examinations are necessary in order to monitor the progress of anemia and to determine the extent of anemia in an individual. Sometimes a person with anemia may also undergo a special kind of surgery to remove excess red blood cells from the bone marrow.