Cure Ear Infections Without a Doctor

When you think about ear infection, you might have a picture of your kid sneezing or running in circles in the classroom


There are some very common ear infection symptoms that you can notice. However, if you are experiencing one of them, then it is important that you seek medical attention as soon as possible. Here are some of the more serious infections that you should watch out for.


Ear pain (also called as a cold) – Ear pain happens when the fluid in your ear gets inflamed. It is generally accompanied by a yellow or red discharge coming from the ears. Some middle ear infections also cause ear pain. Ear infection symptoms usually happen 2 to 3 days after an onset of a respiratory or cold virus.


Middle ear infection symptoms could also include: a yellowish fluid in the middle ear (most likely in the upper and the lower sides) Ear pain or pressure, especially behind the ears when your head is turned to one side, a feeling like there is a lump in the ear, feeling like your ear is full, feeling of tinnitus (that is, ringing or buzzing in your ear), and/or hearing loss. Some of these symptoms could also be a sign of an underlying condition.


Ear infections are generally caused by bacterial infections that enter your ear via a tiny hair-like structure inside your ear. If this structure becomes infected, it will create a swelling which causes pain and difficulty to breath. As a result of this swelling, pus could form and the bus could lead to an infection of the ear.


Ear infection is caused by an organism called Streptococcus pyogenes that attacks the healthy earwax. The cause of ear infections is that the earwax has a protective layer that prevents bacteria from entering the inner ear and from growing there. When the earwax starts to dry out and disintegrates, bacteria can enter into the ear and thrive there. Once the infection has taken root, it becomes difficult to treat as the infection spreads from one part of the ear to another until it reaches the outer ear.


You can cure an infection with simple remedies. However, if your infection has lasted more than two weeks, you should see your doctor. If it has gone untreated, you might need to undergo surgical procedures, such as a hearing instrument called Inferotyperic Earditis (IAE).


There are some things you can do to avoid infections


One of the best ways to prevent an infection is to wash your hands thoroughly after using public restrooms and in between meals. To avoid bacteria entering into your ears, use cotton socks to wipe your ears with. Also, clean your face before touching your ears and make sure that you dry your ears properly after you sleep.


Ear infections are caused by bacteria that can enter the outer ear, head, neck, and throat. If you do not clean your ears thoroughly after using public restrooms, then they can get infected. One of the best prevention methods is to wash your hands after using the restroom. Make sure that your head and ears are clean at all times.


Another way to avoid infection symptoms is to keep your head clean and dry. If your ears are constantly moist, chances are that bacteria can breed and you can become a victim of ear infections. A dry head can easily transfer germs from the infected ear to your ears.


Simple cleaning routines like washing your ears with soap and drying your ears with a towel can help to keep the infections away. If you feel itching or burning in your ears, then you should immediately wash your ears with ear drops that contain corticosteroids and antibiotics. If you are wearing a hearing instrument, then you should remove it immediately and wash it thoroughly with warm water. You should also avoid scratching the affected area because this can make the problem worsen.


Some people who have problems with ear infections prefer to take a warm water solution in order to reduce the inflammation. There are also some herbal remedies that can help you heal ear infections without having to visit a doctor. Witch hazel can be applied to the affected ear and then allowed to soak for 15 minutes before the application of medicine.


Some people prefer to apply aloe vera gel on the affected area and let it soak overnight before putting ice on it in order to reduce inflammation and pain. Another remedy is to put a cotton ear plug in the middle of the ear and then apply cold or warm salt water on it so that the inflammation will lessen.

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